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Sensory Awareness in Early Childhood

Discover the profound impact of sensory awareness activities on the emotional and social development

25 Canadian dollars

Available spots

Service Description

Discover the profound impact of sensory awareness activities on the emotional and social development of young children in this comprehensive course. Through engaging discussions and practical applications, educators and childcare providers will explore how intentional sensory experiences such as sensory walks and taste explorations can foster self-awareness, emotional regulation, and social skills among children. Course Outcomes: 1. Understanding Sensory Awareness: Gain a deep understanding of how sensory experiences contribute to emotional regulation, cognitive development, and social interactions in children. 2. Enhancing Emotional Development: Learn strategies to enhance children's self-awareness and emotional regulation through sensory activities, promoting emotional resilience and well-being. 3. Cultivating Social Skills: Explore techniques to foster communication, cooperation, and collaboration among children through sensory exploration and group activities. 4. Practical Applications in Early Childhood Settings: Implement sensory awareness activities effectively in educational environments to enrich daily routines and support holistic child development. 5. Promoting Mindful Eating Habits: Develop skills to encourage mindful eating practices and healthy sensory habits during mealtime and snack activities. 6. Role of Educators in Sensory Awareness: Understand the educator's role in modeling sensory mindfulness and creating inclusive environments that support children's sensory development and social interactions. 7. Evaluation and Continuous Improvement: Learn methods for assessing the impact of sensory awareness activities on children's emotional and social development. Develop reflective practices to adapt and improve sensory strategies based on evaluation findings. Who Should Attend: This course is ideal for educators, childcare providers, therapists, and anyone dedicated to enhancing the emotional and social well-being of young children through sensory awareness activities. Delivery Method: Participants will engage in interactive lectures, practical demonstrations, case studies, and collaborative discussions. Each session will offer hands-on learning opportunities to apply sensory awareness strategies in real-world educational contexts.

Cancellation Policy

Clients who cancel with less than 24 hours will not receive a refund. For those who need to cancel and give more than 24 hours notice, a 50% refund will be given. If you have any questions please reach out. Thank you for understanding!

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