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Navigating Nutrition: Understanding The Power Behind Mindful Eating

Maintaining a healthy lifestyle can be challenging, especially for busy educators who juggle multiple responsibilities every day. Among the many aspects of wellness, nutrition often presents a unique set of obstacles. With temptations everywhere and a fast-paced environment, adhering to a nutritious diet can feel daunting. However, making manageable changes can significantly improve your overall well-being. Let’s explore practical and sustainable nutrition strategies that can help you stay committed and achieve your goals.

Navigating Daily Temptations

Nutrition, can often be more challenging to adhere to than a fitness plan. Why? Because we are surrounded by food or ideas of food most of our waking hours. Imagine a typical day: there might be donuts in your workplace's lunchroom, you need to stop at the grocery store on your way home, and in between, you pass multiple fast-food restaurants. If you're adhering to a nutrition plan, temptations are everywhere, making it difficult to stay on track.

Less is More: A Mindful Approach

This is why, when it comes to nutrition, my recommendation is to embrace the philosophy of "less is more." Many people aren’t aware that they are living their lives through their senses and are not truly in tune with their minds. This means we often make food choices based on what looks and smells good rather than what we know is good for us. Research supports this, indicating that “food odors have been shown to influence food choices, portion selection, and can promote a specific desire to consume certain foods” (Ferriday and Brunstrom, 2008). Even when satiated, the sight or smell of desirable food can stimulate appetite (Cornell et al., 1989).

Understanding Food’s Purpose

To make sustainable changes to your nutrition, it’s essential to start with how we think about food and its purpose. I believe that food is fuel, and without it, I wouldn't be able to be fully invested and present in all areas of my life. Therefore, I make choices that make me feel good, give me energy, and keep me in a positive, uplifted mood. This approach benefits me in my work and personal life and has significantly improved my mental health. While I view food primarily as fuel, I also see it as a symbol of celebration and connection, which means that in my healthy eating model, all foods fit.

My Journey to Mindful Eating

However, it wasn’t always this way for me. I struggled for many years with restricting, over-consuming food, and purging by various means. This struggle affected my overall mental well-being, making it difficult to maintain relationships and perform well in my career as an educator. It wasn’t until I began to understand what “mindful eating” truly was that I could start to introduce new concepts and ideas to my diet and nutrition gradually.

“It’s only by bringing a habit into your conscious awareness that you can observe what it’s doing, how it empowers and serves you or doesn’t.” (source: Jeff Olson)

Practical Steps to Improve Your Nutrition

When looking to make changes to your diet, it’s important to understand your current eating habits and explore the reasons behind your food choices. A food journal can be a valuable tool for this. By recording what and when you eat, as well as any feelings associated with your meals, you can gain insights into your eating patterns. After a few weeks, you can start setting simple goals, such as “eating one vegetable with dinner each evening” or “no snacking after 8 pm.”

As you begin to achieve these goals naturally, you may notice improvements in how you feel, which can motivate you to make further changes. For instance, if adding vegetables at dinner makes you feel great, you might decide to incorporate eating a salad once a week for lunch. If you find your goals too challenging, don’t abandon them entirely; instead, adjust them to better suit your needs. For example, if you struggle with not snacking after 8 pm, try incorporating an afternoon snack to tide you over, allowing you to push dinner back and potentially avoid late-night eating.

Understanding Your Body’s Needs

Understanding your body’s needs is a crucial step towards making better nutritional choices. When you become in tune with your body's signals and recognize how different foods affect your energy levels, mood, and overall well-being, you become more motivated to choose foods that nourish and sustain you. This awareness fosters a positive relationship with food, encouraging you to opt for nutritious options that support your health and vitality, ultimately enhancing your quality of life.

The Benefits of Working with a Nutrition Coach

Working with a nutrition coach like myself can significantly enhance your nutrition journey and facilitate lasting behavioural changes in your eating patterns. A personalized coaching approach provides tailored advice and support, helping you navigate the complexities of nutrition with expert guidance. This professional partnership not only aids in disease prevention and weight management but also fosters a deeper understanding of how to make sustainable, health-promoting choices that align with your individual needs and lifestyle. With ongoing encouragement and accountability, a nutrition coach empowers you to achieve your wellness goals and maintain long-term success.

Integrating manageable changes in nutrition can significantly enhance your overall well-being. By understanding your body’s needs and choosing sustainable practices, you can create lasting habits that support your health and vitality. Remember, small steps lead to big changes, and with the right strategies and support, you can achieve your wellness goals and thrive in your personal and professional life.


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