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Making Time For Exercise: Micro-Workouts for Busy Educators

In my last post I touched on simplifying nutriton to support challenges we face when looking to make a behaviour change such as what, how and when we eat. As I acknowledged how nutrition can be challenging to adhere to, making time for movement can be just as daunting. The idea of exercising for extended periods each day might feel out of reach or undesirable. However, that doesn't mean there aren't ways to make movement accessible and enjoyable throughout your day. Let’s explore the concept of micro-workouts and how they can help you stay active, no matter how busy your schedule may be.

What is a Micro-Workout?

Micro-workouts are short, intense exercises that can be done anywhere, at any time, in limited space throughout the day. According to Freedom Physical Therapy Services, these workouts can last anywhere from 20-60 seconds or longer, from 3 to 7 minutes, totaling around 15 minutes throughout the day. This makes achieving your fitness goals more attainable, even with a hectic schedule.

The Benefits of Micro-Workouts

Incorporating micro-workouts into your routine offers several benefits:

  • Lower Risk of Cancer: Vigorous intermittent exercise is associated with a lower risk of cancer.

  • Improved Insulin Resistance and Endurance: Just 10-minute workouts done three times per week can lower insulin resistance and increase endurance by 20%.

  • Reduced Risk of Chronic Diseases: Regular short bouts of exercise support lowering blood pressure and reduce the risk of diabetes and heart disease.

Making Movement Accessible

These short exercises are designed to fit seamlessly into your daily schedule and routine. For instance, you could implement a daily 10-minute walk during your lunch break or incorporate a five-minute active gathering in your childcare program each afternoon. By integrating these micro-workouts throughout your days and weeks, you build a new habit of regular exercise. This also gives you the opportunity to explore different types of movement and discover what you enjoy most. Consistently choosing enjoyable activities will motivate you to stick to your fitness goals and might even lead you to new opportunities, like attending the gym once or twice a week.

Tracking Your Progress

As you work to build lifelong habits, I recommend keeping a journal or notebook to track your exercise routine. This not only helps you monitor your progress but also allows you to recognize how different types of movement make you feel and which ones you enjoy the most.

Tips for Adhering to a Workout Program

  1. Choose Movement You Enjoy: This ensures you look forward to your workouts.

  2. Schedule Your Exercise Times: Set alarms or add exercise to your daily schedule.

  3. Exercise for Health, Not Just Weight-Loss: Focus on benefits like preventing heart disease or managing chronic illness.

  4. Find an Accountability Buddy: Partnering with someone can help you stay motivated.

  5. Inform Others of Your Goals: Sharing your goals can provide additional support and encouragement.

  6. Work with a Health or Fitness Coach: Professional support can enhance your exercise regimen and accountability.

Examples of Micro-Workouts

  • Strength Routine: Squat for 40 seconds and rest for 20 seconds, repeating five times. Alternatively, do 30 seconds of jumping jacks followed by 30 seconds of squats, repeating three times.

  • Cardio: Take a 10-minute walk or jog on the spot for 40 seconds followed by 20 seconds of rest.

By incorporating these micro-workouts, you might even encourage your co-educators and the children in your programs to join in for these bursts of exercise, fostering a fun and active environment for everyone.

Integrating manageable changes in your fitness routine can significantly enhance your overall well-being. By understanding your body’s needs and choosing sustainable practices, you can create lasting habits that support your health and vitality. Remember, small steps lead to big changes, and with the right strategies and support, you can achieve your wellness goals and thrive in your personal and professional life.

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