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From Rock Bottom to Wellness: My Journey to Holistic Health 1.0

Hi everyone, my name is Jaymie. I am 30 years old with a dedicated passion for holistic health and wellness practices for children and adults.

In December 2023, after being consistently sick and tired (literally and figuratively) of constant health battles—depression, anxiety, irritable bowel syndrome, chronic inflammation, congestion, and consistently high cortisol and testosterone levels—I finally hit a breaking point.

I took a leave of absence from my job as an Early Childhood Program Coordinator and began to reassess my life. However, it wasn't just as easy as sitting down to dissect my current lifestyle. Like many of the lifelong battles and struggles I’ve faced, in order to make and see changes that would last long-term, I needed to hit rock bottom.

A few months went by, and I was in mental hell. My mood was inconsistent; I was overly emotional and sensitive, despite being away from the environment that caused my mental turmoil. I had gained about 15-20 lbs, my hair was falling out in clumps, I often felt light-headed, and I struggled to fall asleep at night. Stress, lack of sleep, and overall neglect of self-care had taken their toll, and I felt extremely uncomfortable—not only in my thoughts but also in my body.

There was a small, quiet voice in my mind that kept telling me two things:

1. Adrenal fatigue

I had read a lot about this condition and could relate to many of its symptoms. My serious caffeine dependency—sometimes consuming 600-800 mg of caffeine a day to keep up with my constant state of panic at work—had become a crutch. To stay sharp and energized during long hours, I supplemented my caffeine with an illegal substance called ephedrine.

2. This damage might be permanent

I was referring to how my body reacted after months of stress, constantly being in a state of tension. When it finally began to relax, I suffered from edema, difficulties sleeping due to pain in my muscles and bones, and what felt like persistent nerve pain. My edema became so severe that it caused stretch marks on my inner thighs and small visible wrinkles around my knees.

These thoughts alarmed me more than the self-deprecating ones that had troubled me for so long. They ultimately led to a significant shift in how I viewed diet, exercise, and most importantly, the role of supplements in promoting better mental health, body composition, and longevity.

This turning point was so powerful that I felt compelled to make these changes not only for myself but for others as well. I became a Certified Nutrition Coach to help others avoid the pain and struggles I endured.

As we get to know each other, I’ll be sharing my tips and tricks for making sustainable lifestyle changes that truly work, as well as my favorite holistic nutritional recipes and hacks. We’ll discuss the importance of supplementing your diet with essential vitamins, minerals, and nutrients, and explore ways to make movement both accessible and enjoyable. Join me on this journey to wellness, and let’s discover together how to live a happy, healthy, and holistic life. 🌟

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