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Embracing Health and Wellness Trends as Early Childhood Educators

As early childhood educators, we often prioritize the needs of the children in our care, sometimes at the expense of our own health and wellness. Below, I've outlined nine currently trending health and wellness practices, each of which can play a significant role in supporting disease prevention and maintaining overall health, including mental health. It's essential to make sustainable choices that de-stress rather than cause stress, fostering a healthier, happier you.

Health & Wellness Trends

What are your top 3?

1. Whole Foods 🍎

Consuming whole foods ensures you get the necessary nutrients for optimal health, helping to maintain energy levels and reducing the risk of chronic diseases.

2. Sleep Schedule 😴

A consistent sleep schedule improves cognitive function and mood, essential for managing the demands of an early childhood education environment.

3. Nature Walks 🌲

Regular nature walks can reduce stress and anxiety while boosting mood and creativity, providing a natural reset from a busy day.

4. Matcha 🍵

Matcha offers a gentle caffeine boost without the jitters, promoting alertness and calmness, which is beneficial during long teaching days.

5. Sauna 🧖‍♀️

Regular sauna use can improve cardiovascular health and aid in muscle recovery, providing a relaxing way to end a stressful day.

6. Fasting ⏳

Intermittent fasting can enhance metabolic health and improve mental clarity, making it easier to stay focused and energetic throughout the day.

7. Yoga 🧘‍♂️

Yoga supports physical flexibility and mental relaxation, helping to manage stress and reduce symptoms of anxiety and depression.

8. Journaling 📔

Journaling helps in processing thoughts and emotions, fostering mental clarity and emotional resilience, essential qualities for educators.

9. Fulfilling Career 💼

A fulfilling career provides a sense of purpose and satisfaction, significantly contributing to overall well-being and happiness.

My Top 3 Choices and Why

1. Whole Foods: Whole foods support my energy levels and active lifestyle both on the floor working with children and in my personal time as I love to walk, run, do Pilates, yoga, and lift weights. Food is fuel, and without the right kind of food for my body, I am sluggish. As someone who has been suffering from a currently unknown chronic gastrointestinal illness, what I eat is very important to me as eating the wrong foods can lead to days and sometimes weeks of feeling unwell. For the past 6 months, I've prioritized a high-protein diet and eating a small breakfast before working out, which I now recommend to all women over the age of 25. Seriously, look at your protein intake, count it, and up it. The results? I've lost 15 pounds of body fat, built lean muscle, and I am happier. I don't crash after meals or avoid eating due to feeling so tired after eating. Prioritizing whole foods and a high-protein diet has made a huge difference in my body composition, which in turn has made me more confident, and I feel more able—almost like I can do anything! We will be talking more about high-protein diets later in the week, so stay tuned!

2. Fulfilling Career: A fulfilling career supports my overall happiness and sense of fulfillment. It keeps me inspired and in a constant need to be better and learn more in order to improve. It helps me to not feel as stressed and prevents me from bringing my work home with me. After experiencing what it's like to be consumed by work, I have placed high importance on work/life balance. When this is possible, I see myself as calm, cool, and collected. I have a better mood and am able to better manage myself. I think this is probably the most important of my top 3. We spend so much of our time at work, commuting for work, and thinking about work that we want these feelings to be positive. I cannot imagine being in a constant state of distress, dragging my feet each day to somewhere that I do not like. This is the opposite of self-care, and long-term it can be detrimental to our health, causing burnout, chronic stress, and other serious issues.

3. Yoga: Yoga always finds me when I need it most, but recently, I have been finding it. I tend to be on the move a lot, and I like to move quickly. However, a yoga practice ensures that I take time to slow down and check in with my body and mind while truly connecting with myself. It is an exercise regime that I can maintain even when I am not feeling well. Yoga brings me back when my anxiety is high, and I am unable to focus on my work. The benefits of yoga extend beyond physical flexibility and strength; it also promotes mental clarity, reduces stress, and enhances overall well-being. Regular practice can improve mood, increase mindfulness, and support a balanced lifestyle, making it an essential part of my self-care routine.

Sustainable Self-Care for Educators

As we discover more about caring for ourselves, it's vital to remember that self-care should be sustainable. Overloading our self-care routines can be detrimental, particularly for those already struggling to manage their health. Starting with small, manageable changes can lead to significant improvements in overall well-being. For example, adding lemon to your water, taking a 10-minute walk during lunch, or spending 5 minutes each morning practicing gratitude can make a profound difference.

Let's inspire each other to make health and wellness a priority, not just for ourselves but also for the children who look up to us. When we take care of ourselves, we can better care for them.

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