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How to Use the Self-Care Checklist: Ideas and Examples

How to Use the Self-Care Checklist: A Guide for Educators

My Self-Care Checklist is designed to be a simple yet effective tool to help you focus on your well-being. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to make the most of it:

1. Date Section:

Start by noting the date. This helps you keep track of your self-care journey over time.

2. Today I Feel…

Check the box that best represents your current mood. Reflecting on your emotions daily helps you understand your mental state and identify patterns.


  • 😃 Happy

  • 😊 Content

  • 😌 Relaxed

  • 😐 Neutral

  • 😔 Anxious

  • 😢 Sad

3. Today’s I will accomplish...

Organize your tasks for the day, both personal and professional. This helps you stay on track and ensures you manage your responsibilities efficiently.


  • Finish lesson plans for next week.

  • Call parents for updates.

  • Grocery shopping.

  • Schedule a doctor’s appointment.

4. I Will Take Care of Myself Today By…

This section is for you to plan specific self-care activities. Think about what you need most today.


  • Spending time in nature.

  • Calling a friend for a chat.

  • Doing a yoga session.

  • Taking a relaxing bath.

5. A Moment of Reflection…

Reflect on the positive moments of your day. Writing down these reflections helps reinforce a positive mindset.


  • “I felt really good after my walk.”

  • “Enjoyed a great conversation with a colleague.”

  • “Felt relaxed after my meditation session.”

6. Notes…

Use this space for any additional thoughts, reminders, or notes. It’s a flexible section to jot down anything else that comes to mind.


  • Reminders for tomorrow.

  • Ideas for future self-care activities.

  • Inspirational quotes or affirmations.

Tips for Success:

  1. Consistency: Try to fill out the checklist daily to build a consistent self-care routine.

  2. Flexibility: Adjust your goals and activities based on how you feel each day.

  3. Reflection: Take a few moments at the end of the week to look back on your checklists and see how far you’ve come.

My Self-Care Checklist is more than just a planner—it’s a tool to help you nurture yourself and ensure you’re at your best for your students and yourself. Download your checklist today and start prioritizing your well-being.


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